New Alignment for a New Beginning

This time of the year typically brings about feelings and thoughts of endings. Seasonally and socially. The growing season shifts into its resting phase for most vegetation.  A time for recharging and restoring. Socially we celebrate the end of our calendar year and put to rest another 12 months into the history books. Out with the old and into the new. This new year 2022 has an energetic connection to 222 signifying a strong connection to beginning anew. You are exactly where you need to be, and the energy supports the alignment of who you really are. Nature has its ways of ensuring balance for itself. Some are more uncomfortable for us to witness such as wildfires and hurricanes. Our natural state of being is to be in balance. We have our own way of ensuring balance, we create dis-comfort and dis-ease to show us when we are misaligned. I think we have had a few years of misalignment! A new beginning springs from a new alignment. A new way to be ourselves! A new way to create our comfort and pleasure. A new way to expand our consciousness. As we shift and evolve, why would we continue the same practices, the same way, when what we have available to access in creation is different? As a way of easing ourselves into this new alignment, lets retool some of our old ideas and allow them to nourish this new alignment. Vision Boards have been used for years by many to Read more…

Just Do It!

Why do you think we are born into this world? Why do we choose to incarnate? Is it just to live a random amount of time then die?  Are we here to accomplish a specific purpose? I think most agree that we are here to “do” something. Could that something be as simple as finding peace within ourselves? Complete and utter acceptance of who we are? And then allow whatever unfolds from that to unfold? Hmm, is that actually simple or the hardest thing ever? Being the humans that we are, of course it isn’t that easy. What fun would that be? Where is all the uncertainty, doubt, fear, shame and plot twists we love so much? Where would we be if we all realized why we were here and then just did it? We would be living in a whole different world. So why don’t we just do it? Be like Nike and “just do it”? Because we believe it isn’t that easy. We aren’t worthy to “just do it”. We don’t trust that this really is all there is to being here and we don’t trust ourselves to be able to “just do it”. And without that trust, we believe we don’t know what we’re supposed to do or be. Plus, there are parts of us we don’t like, or believe we don’t or shouldn’t like. So, we aren’t forgivable. All of those beliefs compound themselves into a grand sense of it isn’t easy and it’s not my Read more…

Peeking in the Hidden Cracks and Crevices of (Un)Worthiness

If there’s one MAJOR element of consciousness that affects all others in duality/separation… I’ve found it’s worthiness. I (half) joke all the time with clients, students, and friends how energetically, everything that causes friction, upheaval, or plain old limitation in our lives is “less than 2 degrees from” (un)worthiness… of course, a vague referral to that old game from the ’80s,  “6 Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon” (and if you don’t know what that is, you can Google it). I’m constantly looking at this within myself, too! In the consciousness community, most will nod and say, “Oh, yes… I worked on that…” Like it was done in a workshop one Sunday afternoon. However, my understanding – experience from well more than a decade of continuous, commited intuitive self-work and in working with so, so many individuals – is that if there are any ho-hum or limited parts in our lives, energetically, there is SOME tie to a remaining something-or-other in relation to unworthiness. This includes ALL aspects of our lives: physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and spiritual. To connect the dots, here are some examples of situations and common underlying beliefs of unworthiness: Patterns and presence of toxic, limiting, or so-so relationships: “I’m unworthy to share in wonderful, completely enjoyable relationships where I allow myself to be 100% authentically me in a place of equal partnership and self-responsibility for our happiness.”  Financial mediocrity or lack: “I’m unworthy to be wealthy/prosperous/financially comfortable in life,” or “I just don’t have the kind Read more…

Are You Listening?

We walk through our days bombarded with stimulus. Lights, noise, events, smells, emotions and thoughts.  All based in energy. And that energy interacts with our personal energy field. It filters through the unique energy pattern that we create and hold around us.  We react, or not, based on messages from our heart and mind. And then we move on to the next stimulus. Sounds like we’re little amoebas in a petri dish being experimented on with a variety of stimulus and our response is being recorded as we simply go about living. Life in the laboratory of the Multiverse. So, who’s doing the observing and recording? And why? Well, being the divine and powerful Beings that we are, it is us observing us. Our facet of the Wholeness communicating with the Wholeness. Not only that but we’re sending ourselves messages within the stimuli. Sharing answers to our deepest questions. Showing us our divinity and power. Guiding us to the fulfillment of our strongest desires. It isn’t just random events happening TO us. Nothing is coincidence or by accident. It is there to be a constant reminder of who we are. Are you a listener or simply responding in isolation? Do you hear and acknowledge these messages? Do you ask intentionally? I know most believe they participate in their day to day living. But participation isn’t proactive guiding/responding and growing. I see it more like the ball in the old pinball games. Spinning and moving wherever the bumpers and flippers send Read more…

Circling Around: Apology, Forgiveness, and Gratitude

There’s apology… and forgiveness… and in expanded consciousness, there’s coming to gratitude for the experience. Do you complete that circle… or have you stopped somewhere along the way? Have you even entered the circle? When Sarah and I started down the path of creating the 28 Days of Forgiveness Program here, we knew it would be powerful… but we weren’t consciously aware of how interconnected all of this would be with everything else! We’ve both been active participants in the program, just as much as we are the creators… and it’s incredible to me how much has come up through the process of being a participant… and opened the doors to other, “unforgiven” and unacknowledged things. It’s been VERY clearing… and VERY freeing! In my practice, over the years, I’ve worked with many who have been abused early in life – physically, sexually, and/or emotionally – and who have held on to the resentment, fear, and anger for years. One of the things we focus on those situations is first transcending the judgment of the situation; then I ask, “If you were looking at your life as a puzzle, and you saw this piece, how would you say this piece was a catalyst?” Almost always, without being blinded by the judgment of the situation, they can answer pretty quickly as to the catalyst that situation provided on their journey. When they can see that, they can typically come to resolution with it… and yes, eventually even gratitude for the completion Read more…

Dying for Healing

We are being bombarded with so much chaos and chatter right now. As a result, so many are looking for “healing”. I really wonder if most even understand what being healed really means.  It has become such a catch phrase.  Referring to Everything from curing a deadly disease to evolving to a higher consciousness or ascending. Over 10 years ago, while attending a healing school, I heard it mentioned that death was the ultimate healing. I didn’t question that, just accepted it as truth. It’s always been in the back of my mind. That when we leave our physical bodies, everything resolves. All discomforts and disbeliefs dissolve away. Something to look forward to! The only price for that would be not being here in the now anymore. Guess that’s why we don’t hear about the masses rushing to that healing option. But a few weeks ago, it occurred to me when we die nothing happens in regard to healing. We take it all with us. The insecurities, pain, beliefs, everything. I have to admit as contrary as that is to what I previously believed, it made perfect sense. What was the basis for this thought? When we die and leave our physical body, the only thing to change is our perspective. What we believe to be our truth and reality is different. Bingo! Essentially the healing I initially referred to earlier was actually just an adjustment of our perspective. It’s a return to our authenticity. Which makes all the conversations Read more…

The Missing Piece to (Self-)Love

In spiritual circles, we talk about “living love”… specifically unconditional self love, where ALL of our – and the world’s – healing begins. It’s a journey, to say the least, and dedication to it is constantly looking in the mirror, as plain as we can see. This can definitely be uncomfortable to the ego! Part of it has to do with us incarnating in such density, such separation, in duality and separation of all kinds… exploring a variety of “me”” and “not me” to all kinds of levels. I committed myself to seeing it all from early on in my active spiritual journey. It was a bit of an effort at first, because I had craftily hidden away so much in so many cracks in crevices, in many lifetimes and many corners of the multiverse. Things that I judged about my experiences. I decided, after tears and sadness upon remembering some of these hidden away things, experiences, that instead I would continue on as the benevolent observer, like I was watching a movie, so I could see how it all fit into the bigger picture. As I’ve continued over the years to see more of the more of the bigger picture, I judge less and less. However, recently I found some hidden away resentments, anger, and overall triggers that caused me to start saying to myself, “I apologize to and forgive myself for that… and the business… and…” and suddenly, there was a huge list that just rolled into my Read more…